ID Fraud Detection & Protection Specialists
We offer a complete suite of Dealer Protection, Education, and Recovery Solutions.
Click the Link Below for More Information.
Reveal ID System
Reveal ID is an application that automates the document inspection process for security-conscious customers to protect infrastructure and secure borders. Reveal ID speeds the document inspection process and allows an inspector to view and analyze detailed authentication results and high-resolution images of the ID.
Powerful Technology + Compact Package!
i-Dentify ID-150 Card Authentication Scanner
The ID-150 is a full-color, 600 DPI duplex scanner that will scan the front and back of a card and its magnetic stripe in one simple operation. The ID-150 will quickly and accurately verify identity documents such as driver’s licenses, military IDs, alien registration cards, and federal, state, and local government IDs from all over the world.
High-quality, 600 DPI images enable detection of micro text and microprint features.
Capture front and back full-color RGB images, near-infrared, barcode, and magnetic stripe data all in a single scan. Compact desktop scanner with modern design, Low maintenance, continuous, reliable operation.

Fast, Accurate, and Simple
test |
The ID-150 Scanner works together with Patented ID Database |
Seamlessly integrates with Windows and IOS Computers |
Reads and Authenticates IDs from all 50 States, Mexico, and Canada |
The process takes less than 10 seconds |
Systems Requirements (optimal):
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Host CPU Requirements | Core i5 |
Memory | 12 Gigabytes |
System Interface | USB 2.0 |
Operating System | Windows 8 and Newer and IOS |
Network | Broadband Internet |

Remote ID Verfication and Authentication
ID Verify - Cloud Based ID and Identity Verification Program
Leverage on-device Technology
Verifies Authenticity of the ID and the Identity of the Person, using State of the Art Biometric Facial Recognition Technology
Compliance Privacy Regulations
Know Your Customer (KYC)
Protect Lenders by Preventing Money Laundering and/or Fraud
California Consumer Privacy Act a.b. 375 Compliant
ID Theft Accounted for $630.5 Million as 2nd Quarter of 2019
Dealer / Retailer Benefits
Offer Trust, Security, and Privacy to Your Customers.
Stay Compliant With Fraud Prevention and AML Processes.
Earn Trust With Lenders by Covering Their Compliance Needs.
Deter Potentially Fraudulent Activities During the Verification Process.
Vehicle Recovery
Voluntary Repossessions:
A voluntary surrender is when the debtor agrees to release the collateral to an appointed representative of the lienholder. An appointment with the debtor generally is required to provide service within 24 to 48 hours of receiving your assignment. We will recover your collateral, provide required reports, and forward that information to you.

Skip Leases:
Locating that hard-to-find debtor is where our company is at its best. We have the best contact list in America, developed over several years of skip tracing and networking. We are well versed in the newest techniques in the skip field. We have relationships with professional skip tracers from around the country that help keep us informed at all times. We have access to run any search on any person, address, or business that you request.
Most importantly, we are trained in street investigations to communicate with neighbors, relatives, fellow employees, etc., without disclosing why we are asking questions. Only the best should skip trace for your debtor in this very litigious time that we live in. We are aware of the laws and the lawsuits. We keep a library of all legal decisions related to this very critical skill in protecting your portfolio. We are looking out for you by providing the best possible skip locate service in the country.
Collateral Transportation:
PNAR Inc. is a full-service company. We can transport any type of collateral anywhere in the country. Please contact our office to discuss fees associated with this service.
Impound Representation:
When a unit has been impounded, working with local authorities is a lot like walking through a minefield. Roadblocks are at every corner, and sometimes the unit is not even worth picking up.
Field Investigation:
PNAR Inc. will work any address, person, or business at your request. We will provide any type of information that you request.
Door Knocks:
PNAR Inc. will conduct a visit to the debtor’s home or place of employment to discuss your account. We will request that we make a phone call to you while we are there with the debtor. We will complete a condition report on the collateral if it is present. If the debtor is not at the given address when we visit, we will leave a sealed envelope, marked confidential, advising the debtor that we represent the creditor and that you have requested we contact them on your behalf.
Field Condition Reports:
PNAR Inc. will complete a condition report on the collateral at the location that you request. We will provide as many digital pictures as needed to provide a full and complete description of your collateral.
PNAR Inc. uses as many digital pictures as it takes with a complete disposition report of your collateral upon request. This service generally will assist you in determining if your collateral is worth recovering or not when the value is in question.
ID Fraud Detection was founded in 2015. We provide our clients professional skip tracing services by our in-house, licensed, California State private investigators. Our staff also includes highly trained agents equipped with the latest tools of the trade, such as state-of-the-art key cutters and programmers, and a complete fleet of newer recovery vehicles to ensure smooth and damage-free recoveries. Each truck has full GPS location and laptops with high-speed internet and equipped with RDN recovery software, keeping our staff current on all cases in real-time.
Call Today: (310) 779-9844

GPS Tracking

Dealer Education
Dealer Security
Educational Services
Anti-fraud experts at work for you
The Fraud Xperts have over 20 years of combined experience in the Fraud and Training industries. This real-world experience is the key to the results that The Fraud Xperts provide. In addition to the insight we have within the fraud indus- try, we have many partnerships and alliances with finance companies, insurance providers, law enforcement, and industry associations. You can trust that The Fraud Xperts are always at the forefront of the fraud awareness industry.
Do you know the impact that fraudulent activities are having on your organiza- tion? Not just the financial implications, but also business resources and even reputation? The fraud epidemic continues to grow, and for many organizations, keeping up with the ever changing trends of fraud perpetrators can pose quite a challenge, especially if you do not know what to look for.
Flexible solutions for your business needs
The Fraud Xperts can help your organization fight fraud and save money in a vari- ety of ways, such as ensuring your employees have the knowledge to identify fraud before it can have a financial impact to your business.
Identifying fraud can be a challenge, as many fraudsters have a plan to mislead until they have accomplished what they want .
The Fraud Xperts can also help your company:
- Implement processes and procedures to prevent approving/funding fraudulent contracts
- Reduce number of unidentified fraud accounts
- Educate staff on how to identify suspicious employee, customer & vendor activi- ties
- Understand various fraud schemes, from sub-leasing to Credit Profile Number schemes
- And more!
Fraud Consulting and Training Based on The Specific Needs of YourOrganization
Identity Theft
Identity Theft is likely the first type of fraud that people think of when asked about fraud, and with good reason. Losses as a result of various Identity Theft schemes are in the billi0ns, and each year millions of people are victim- ized. The Bureau of Justice Statistics' report from 2012, titled 'Victims of Identity Theft' indicates that 7% of all Americans 16 or older have experienced one or more incidents of identity theft, with total direct and indirect loss- es totaling $24.7 billion. That is a lot of fraud!
Unfortunately, their research also found that only a small number of those victims, 9.3% , reported the incident to the police. This is concerning for many reasons, and because so much fraud is not only unreported, but also unde- tected, the actual number of incidents and financial losses is likely significantly higher. Additionally, some indus- try experts contend that up to 88% of identity theft has some element of Credit Profile Number or Synthetic Iden- tity fraud.
How much money is your business losing due to identity theft? The Fraud Xperts can help you make the most of Your Identity Theft Prevention Program as well as develop procedures and specialized training to mini- mize losses.
TFX has the expertise to pro- vide assistance with policy implementation, training, and overall awareness for a variety of fraud schemes that may be impacting your organization. Some of the fraud schemes impacting your business may include:
- Identity Theft
- Credit Profile Numbers/ Synthetic Identity
- Insurance Fraud
- Payment Fraud
- Sovereign Citizen/Accepted for Value
- Credit Card Fraud
- Employee Fraud
- Mortgage Fraud
- Auto Finance Fraud
- Subleasing
- Title Fraud
- Medical Fraud
- And more!
ID Fraud Detection was founded in 2011. We provide our clients professional skip tracing services by our in-house, licensed, California State private investigators. Our staff also includes highly trained agents, equipped with the latest tools of the trade such as state of the art key cutters and programmers, and a complete fleet of newer recovery vehicles to ensure smooth and damage free recoveries. Each truck has full GPS location and laptops with high speed internet and equipped with RDN recovery software which keeps our staff current on all cases in real time.
Call Today: (310) 779-9844
Do you know how fraud is impacting your organization, or how much loss is taking place as a direct result?
The Fraud Xperts can help!
Compliance with Federal and State laws may feel like you are navigating a maze at times, but following these laws is essential to ensure your business is operating within the require- ments of the law. Since fraud has continued to grow over the past several years, there have been numerous laws and statutes imple- mented in response to the risks fraudulent activities pose to businesses and customers. The Fraud Xperts can conduct a detailed re- view of your processes to ensure that your business is in compliance with applicable re- quirements.
Would you like access to online train- ing that your employees can utilize during down-time?
Would you like access to online re- sources that can provide guidance when faced with potential fraud?
Some experts in the industry contend that Synthetic Identity fraud is involved in nearly 90% of all identity fraud events, and may account for almost 80% of the total dollars lost by U.S. businesses.
Fraudsters are constantly evolving their schemes in order to stay a step ahead of law enforcement and the businesses they target. The Fraud Xperts have cutting-edge knowledge and experience fighting fraud, but we also have extensive experi- ence providing comprehensive training.
The Fraud Xperts have experience building fraud mitigation pro- cesses and procedures from the ground up. This allows us to con- sult our clients on the most effective way to structure fraud mitiga- tion department. Our strategies are proven and have helped save organizations millions of dollars in loss and productivity.
Reports have shown that
as much as 70% of all business
are impacted by fraud.
The Fraud Xperts: Fraud Facts
True fraud statistics can be hard to come by, though there are many different agencies attempting to provide this information. One issue is that much fraud goes undetected and unreported. Another is that fraudsters are constantly evolving their schemes in order to stay a step ahead of law enforcement and the businesses they target.
The Fraud Xperts has the proven ability to help organizations of all sizes reduce the impact of fraud. By implementing the proper controls and increasing employee awareness, regardless of industry, you will see results. Some reports have shown that as much as 70% of all business are impact- ed by fraud. Are you ready to empower your employees to fight fraud and potentially save millions each year?
Call Us Today
(310) 779-9844
Other Types of Fraud
There are many different fraud schemes that may be impact- ing your organization depending on what industry you are in. This could include loan fraud, title fraud, insurance fraud, sov- ereign payment scams, mortgage fraud and more. Is your busi- ness prepared to fight fraud? Contact The Fraud Xperts to- day for a free consultation to find out how we can help your busi- ness identify and mitigate loss due to these various schemes.
Xpert Anti-fraud Services
Would you like to increase profit? The Fraud Xperts provide unparalleled anti-fraud training that will teach your employees how to properly identify and mitigate fraud, resulting in fewer losses, which will in- crease your bottom line. Additionally, TFX provides comprehensive company policy reviews and Needs Assessments to ensure that all impact- ed departments are aware of how they can help in the fight against fraud.
How The Fraud Xperts Can Help
The Fraud Xperts offers a unique blend of products and services that promote awareness of various fraud schemes.
Clients can select to purchase pre- packaged training, individualized con- sulting services, or even comprehen- sive development of a fraud team.
The method of delivery is flexible and based upon the preference of your organization.
The Fraud Xperts have experience building fraud mitigation processes and procedures from the ground up. This allows us to consult our clients on the most effective way to structure fraud mitigation department. Our strategies are proven and have helped save organizations millions of dollars in loss and productivity.
Credit Profile Numbers (CPN's)/Synthetic Identity Fraud
Research has shown that the use of Synthetic Identities are quite common, and is in fact utilized even more than true identity fraud to perpetrate fraud schemes. Some experts in the industry contend that Synthetic Identity fraud is involved in nearly 90% of all identity fraud events, and may account for almost 80% of the total dollars lost by U.S. businesses. That is a significant number. Though CPN's are attributed to a high portion of fraudulent activity, most organizations are not familiar with the scheme and have no procedures in place to identify and miti- gate this type of fraud. The Fraud Xperts specializes in developing appropriate mitigation programs and training to help organizations in all industry fight this form of fraud.
- Consulting
- Training
- Compliance
- Support
- Comprehensive Anti-fraud Experts
Fraud is a subject that brings about lots of questions due to the nature of the crime. Fraudsters are constantly evolving their schemes in order to stay a step ahead of law enforcement and the businesses they target. The Fraud Xperts have cutting-edge knowledge and experience fighting fraud, but we also have exten- sive experience providing comprehensive training. From the management team to your front line employees, we offer a variety of training packages to meet the specific needs of your organization. Using the most effective instructional design techniques, we make sure that your company is getting the most bank for your
The Fraud Xperts are specialized in handling fraud across many industries. We know how fraud impacts you.
There are many types of fraud that could have an impact on your business. Spe- cifically, the competitive nature of business allows lenders to be hit hardest with these scams due to limited stipulations and the fast approval times that are re- quired to be competitive. This narrow window of time is something that fraud and crime rings in particular prey upon.
As fraud schemes continue to grow and develop, exposure to these various fraud schemes will also increase. So how can your company mitigate the impact of fraud?
- Industry Specific Solutions
- Comprehensive Business Needs Analysis
- Virtual Needs Analysis
- On-site Process Review & Report
- Customizable Employee Training
- Train-the-Trainer Session(s)
- Fraud Department Development
- Manager Solutions
- Fraud Program Compliance
- Access to Anti-fraud Network